
Life beyond work

Irena Gluck and Yoav Armony – Life beyond work – our passion is travel, our home is wherever we go.

“Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer” - Anonymous




Education - Weekly Note

AI and Education

Education - Reflections

Thoughts, Ideas

Classic Cars

Explore The World

Once a year, go someplace you’ve never been before

– Dalai Lama

So, what is your story?

Pension… my father refused to retire. He had his own business with a loyal clientele and there was no reason to stop working at a certain age, moreover my mother preferred him not to hang around doing unnecessary construction projects at home, so he kept working. Until, at some point around the age of 85, the insurance company no longer agreed to insure the vehicle which had accumulated an unreasonable amount of road accidents, and he was forced to stay at home. At this point he remembered that he loved working with wood and began to conduct workshops in woodworking. However, in my opinion, this was too little too late… We do not have to reach the age of 85 to start doing what WE LOVE.

My father is part of a generation that is programmed to work (“work is our life” etc.), but I am from another generation (or so I thought), we are a hedonistic generation that pursues happiness. And yet, here I am having reached the retirement age and it turns out that all my friends are looking for ways to continue working, each one for its own reasons. When I try to understand why, in the end there are three main excuses: financial gain, fear of losing the purpose and the uncertainty of what to do with all that free time.

In this blog we will try to answer these questions and many others, from personal experience, through many conversations and lots of thought on the subject.

near Yellowstone