Traveling in France and Belgium in the beautiful autumn. This is not the high season and entertainment is ‘slow’, but the quite and tranquility make up for it.
October – November, 2021
Strasburg, France
First time I am in Strasbourg and indeed it is a beautiful city, as described by many… a large and lively ancient city, water canals and wonderful architecture… and of course the best éclair in the world (do not know if this is the specialty of the specific area or just the fact that we are in France 😊)

Metz, France
France, we said? We finally ate a delicious dinner! We eat at the restaurant almost every evening and there are ups and downs, but then you arrive in France and the burger is made to measure and the dish with the exploding name ‘Tarte Flambee’ (which looks suspiciously like pizza) still manages to surprise :). The cute waitress did not say a word in English, but it seems that she understood us not bad, and overall we got along really well :).

Gorze, Lorraine, France
Lots had been said and described about the beauty of France and it is indeed undisputed… but it is not the dramatic beauty of the Alps or the endless lands of Iceland and not even the beauty of the English hills and country side… there is something very calm, quiet and romantic in the beauty of France, maybe even something simple 😊.

Bruges, Belgium
If you’re grumbling about the fact that Tel Aviv has become a construction site, think again. After crossing seven countries, we did not find a road, city or village of which a significant percentage was not excavated or in the process of paving. In some of them one lane is blocked, and you wait long minutes for the other lane to be open and in other cases, the road is simply blocked, and you look for alternative routes (of which Google Maps is of course unaware). But the good news is, the more advanced the country the more teams are present to take care of your inconvenience, so it seems that in that respect we are probably in a very advanced country 😊. In the photos of Bruges, Belgium.

Rouen, France
It is November now and after visiting UK, once again, we crossed the canal and we are in France, the reception was nice and sunny but very quickly it changed to cold, clouds and rain… but (!) – driving on the right side of the road and the food is really good! So by and large there are no complaints. We are in the city of Rouen which is the capital of Normandy – a big and beautiful old town and the atmosphere is cool with lots of people in the streets (except for the fact that here is where Jeanne d’Arc was executed… well it was a long time ago.

Saint Roch, France
Here is what we learned – in this season of lack of tourists it is better to be in the cities, and yet we always prefer villages and nature… The result is that finding an open restaurant in the area becomes challenging. Today we set a record – we went through at least 5 places that Google promised that there is a restaurant there and it is open, only to realize that it is closed or non-existent or it is a bakery… so in the end we ate at… (‘wait for it…’) McDonalds 😊!

Toulouse, France
Another pleasant surprise in France… Toulouse. A city, known as the Pink City, is worth a visit – beautiful and romantic architecture, alongside the impressive cathedrals and streets with trendy brands there are also narrow streets with a bohemian character and markets. Today we reached the Mediterranean and immediately felt at home .. palm trees, beach next to the green hills… We arrived in Spain.