AI in the Service of Education
Why would an Artificial Intelligence that understands our questions and answers them in a unique and even creative way (such as ChatGPT) be at service of the education system? This series of posts explores the subject and offers some interesting ideas.
AI in the service of education – an introduction
In this series of posts I will examine whether the education system will incorporate AI or will it be ignored as other technologies before.
AI – let’s sort it out
Similar to smart phone applications such as navigation, digital books, camera or electronic wallet that create a tool for everyone, also in the field of AI applications will be developed for uses that are only limited by our imagination.
AI – not in our school
It seems that ChatGPT and similar ones have many advantages for the education system, and despite that, there is a good chance that they will be bypassed by the education system without affecting it.
AI – potential capabilities in the field of education
The field of artificial intelligence is in its infancy, but the capabilities of the platform that are being demonstrated these days foreshadow wonderful potential uses – some of these uses are even suitable for the field of education.
“To Sir, with Love” – will AI replace a teacher?
Artificial intelligence will make certain professions redundant. Mainly professions based on knowledge. Is the teaching profession in danger?
AI – curiosity and motivation
Arousing curiosity and motivation in students is the holy grail of the teaching profession. Can artificial intelligence help?
AI – an inevitable technology?
People naturally resist change. The use of technology can be resisted up to a certain limit. Some technologies overcome resistance and are therefore inevitable. Does artificial intelligence have the potential to become inevitable in the education system?
AI – “Why do I need it?”, the teacher asked.
A teacher needs to teach and educate, why does she need to understand AI, when until today all the new technologies have only interfered. The post tries to find positive reasons that will prove that it is worth being involved with this specific technology.
AI – everything is personal (personalization)
It took me decades to understand how I learn best, if only we had a tool that could identify the learning style of our students and help us teach them individually 😊. This is exactly what this post talks about.
AI – what about the students?
For the children starting school now, AI will be the natural thing, and it will not seem strange to them to consult a machine and trust its advice, to stay with it at all hours of the day and treat it like a close friend.
AI – when will all this “goodness” happen?
I believe that AI will be present in education. In this post I will give a possible scenario for the introduction of AI into the education system.
AI and singularity in education
AI is getting better and better, and there is a chance that it will be able to make decisions better than us (even if it will not feel pain, happiness or love). This post explores the point where the machine will be able to teach, in many aspects better than a flesh and blood teacher.
AI – ethics
AI is a pre-trained system that bases its decisions on the available data. If there is a bias within the training database AI could come up with unethical conclusions.
AI – learning Spanish
In the future any translation app will be of a better quality than using a non-native language. So why do I learn English? For the same reason I study history – interest and development of cognitive abilities. In this post I imagine how it will be possible to learn in the future any field.
AI – about privacy
Since I believe that artificial intelligence will only be effective when it knows us personally, the question is how we deal with privacy and information security issues?
AI – should we be afraid?
Changes cause a reaction of rejection and fear, but past experience shows that in the end the demon is not so terrible. In this post we will examine whether artificial intelligence should be feared.
AI – parental control
The temptations today are much more sophisticated, as are the controls. AI will raise the level of sophistication. So what about the parents?
AI – real or a dream ?
In 2004, DARPA (the US Development Agency) launched a competition to create an autonomous car and the results were promising. 20 years have passed, an autonomous car is here but not really. Is it the fate of AI that soon it will change the world, but not really?
AI – business model and education
Does OpenAI pose a real challenge to Google’s business model? In the post I will try to present a solution for Google (and the like) and also help the education system.